It analyzes several key techniques of micro-EDM: manufacturing the micro electrode online-micro feed device-EDM pulse source of micro energy-planning the track for thin electrode-wear of electrode and the method to compensate it. 简要分析了微细电火花加工的关键技术:微细电极的在线制作、微进给装置、微小能量的脉冲电源、微小电极的运动轨迹规划、电极的损耗及补偿策略。
By adopting forward feed compensation, the output of the engine can track the output of the reference model, and eliminate the possibility of saturation and oscillation when using pure adaptive control arithmetic. 同时引入前馈补偿,既保证发动机转速实时跟踪参考模型输出,又避免了纯自适应控制容易产生控制信号的饱和以及高自适应增益导致的系统振荡。